Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Stupid Pilgrim's Progress

A coupla years ago I brilliantly opined, probably in shorts that were too snug, thus:
Are Democrats gonna let the word "progressive" go the way of "liberal;" ie running from it crying like little schoolgirls because the GOP decided to turn it's inferred meaning into "Satan's Oven Mitts"? At least with liberal you could technically apply a negative to it - there IS such a thing as being too liberal with mayo (will make you fat), a girl COULD be too liberal with her amorous wares (pregnancy/disease/reputation etc.) But "progressive"? How can "progressive" connotate negativity in any way? I guess if your idea of society going forward means going back in time, it works.
According to Matt Yglesias, the world has finally fucking caught up to me:
One of the most relevant pieces of survey data on this that I've seen recently was a December Pew survey reproduced to the left, which showed that while people have a fairly negative reaction to the term "liberal" they're enthusiastic about the term "progressive." I think it bears noting that "progressive" is the word most mainstream center-left institutions have chosen to define themselves.
Hey, it only took two years.  Congratulations, Earth.   I'm so sick of being so fucking far ahead of the pack intellectually that I don't get any money from it - I should be fucking rich from being me, and yet I somehow ironically lap myself instead.  You people are to blame for this, and I hate you all (except, of course, you.)

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