Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Are Women Turned on By Chocolate?

Can we go a single day without an article coming out about how much women cream over chocolate? According to these articles, a piece of chocolate shows up and these women immediately start orgasming, tearing their jeans off to satiate themselves. What the fuck. I guess my question is that if this is true, why haven't we come up with a chocolate cologne? Wouldn't that make incredible sense? Course, I guess in that case women would wear perfume that smells like the Golden Palace of the Himilayas, if you know what I mean. Or, even better, an Arby's. I'll tell you something - a women walks into the room smelling like Arby's, she starts out on third base with me. - Xmastime
According to THIS ARTICLE, the "women jizz at the sight of chocolate" thingee is a media-created phenomenon.  Maybe that's what it says, who knows; I didn't finish reading it since I mean really, like the old "how can you tell if a woman's had an orgasm?" joke, who gives a shit?

I will say it's more plausible to me than her getting lubed up by a dude doing housework.  "Choreplay." I mean, come the fuck on already.

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