Monday, February 20, 2012

Are You Shitting Me du Jour

For awhile now I thought my college girlfriend simply wasn't on Facebook since when I searched for her once, her name didn't appear; after some detective work which totaled about 2.4 seconds, Sistatime! the Bloodhound dug up not only that she IS in fact on Facebook, but also the name of her husband, where they live, when they moved there, what fraternity he was in college and how much they paid for their house in 2004.  MEANWHILE, I am shocked to fucking find out that she has BLOCKED ME on Facebook!  What the fuck - and I don't mean I asked to be her friend and rejected me; I'm saying that almost 20 years after a fairly innocuous breakup with a college boyfriend, while setting up her Facebook account she went out of her way to block me from ever getting in touch with her?  I mean, are you kidding me?  How fucking bananas is this?



Marley said...

Link. Info. This will not stand.

Xmastime said...

I expect payback to be Marley-style: swift and total.