Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Billyburg (I Just Made That Up!)

After popping up on tv everywhere lately, Williamsburg has now gotten the ultimate cool-if-you're-a-Grandma compliment: a featured article on CNN.  Hmm.
People (whether they're your people or not) find Williamsburg attractive. On a recent visit, after being away for several years, I was reminded of why: It's a vibrant little village that punches far above its weight culturally and culinarily.  It teems with small businesses, and its streets are abustle, thick with beautiful youth in all manner of pomp.  
New Yorkers might be inured to the charms of an "emerging" neighborhood, but to a visitor Williamsburg, Brooklyn, can be just as eccentric and strangely charming as that other Williamsburg.  
It is a rather pleasant stroll through shit I walk by every day and completely take for granted. Though I do love this:
There is only one chain store on the Bedford commercial district; it's a Duane Reade drugstore that felt compelled to include a microbrew beer bar where locals can refill plastic to-go containers just to earn some street cred. The tactic worked a little bit, but locals still prefer the independently owned King's Pharmacy across the avenue.
I remain, as you know, a King's man.

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