Wednesday, February 08, 2012

"But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “What does Xmastime mentor/Lex Luthor luminary MARLEY do when he's not being batshit wrong about the going-ons of the political world?"

He has a new FILM BLOG!!! :)

Follow Marley as he writes such brilliant critiques as:
The Mary Catherine Gallagher character has stronger legs than Pat the Androgynous Character and McGruber. Still, when she sniffs her armpits, I’m transported.

And Simba? He leaves, finds a warthog and a mercat, and lives the bohemian lifestyle. He becomes a vegetarian. He lives a life bereft of responsibility.

No one is sneering, but John Mellencamp’s “Small Town” is not assaulting our sensibilities either. What I liked most was the languid pace (others may find it too sluggish) and its lack of easy lesson (I believe lessons can be derived, but they play out over time).

I don’t necessarily recommend the film to hardened realists, condemnors of whimsy or to folks for whom rock music was secondary or negligible during their teen years.  It may resonate, it may not.  But to those who listened to Pete Townsend during any of their at-the-time baleful cataclysms of teen years, and were convinced Pete was talking to them, or who remember the kiss of that girl at a concert when under just the right mixture of beer and marijuana, than this film will strike home.

Why would you want to watch a 2 hour foreign film about such a person, even if it were well acted and adequately directed?  Perhaps you too have a
deep loathing for love, joy or compassion.  You should get that looked at.
I, for one, look forward to checking in on Filmvetter every day  :)

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