Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Catholic Church is Full Of Shit

Sully points out the Catholic Church's bullshit hypocrisy on obsessing over birth control while having no problem with Santorum and Gingrich leading the league in demanding more preemptive war and torture:
 And the answer, alas, is that the current Vatican has lost the forest for the trees. It obsesses about complicity with contraception - and plans a p.r. campaign months ahead of time - and yet cannot condemn an avowed Catholic defending torture and pre-emptive warfare - two moral enormities next to which the pill seems trivial.
I can't claim to know the reason why, I've only been back to church for a week, but I do know that 50 years ago people were worried that John F. Kennedy would answer to the Pope; now we seem to be nearing a scenario in which the Pope takes his cues from someone like Rick Santorum. It'd be nice if Catholics called the Church out on their bullshit, but obviously women taking a pill to not only prevent unwanted pregnancies (ie, future moochers from the socialist dole) but also to regulate their own health is way more destructive than bombing the fuck out of hapless countries and committing torture that accomplishes exactly nothing - ie, what Jesus would surely do. Obviously.

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