Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cinephile XMASTIME Gives His Thoughts On This Year's Best Picture Nominees

The Artist - I have not seen this picture.
The Descendants - I have not seen this picture.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close  - I have not seen this picture.
The Help  - I have not seen this picture.
Hugo  - I have not seen this picture.
Midnight in Paris  - I have not seen this picture.
Moneyball  - Meh. Brad Pitt walking around being Brad Pitt.
The Tree of Life Fox  - I have not seen this picture.
War Horse - I have not seen this picture.

Will I watch it when it comes to tv?

The Artist - Only so then I can bray to you people about how cultured and better than you I am.
The Descendants - No.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close  - No.
The Help  - Probably.
Hugo  - No.
Midnight in Paris  - No.
The Tree of Life Fox  - No.
War Horse - No.

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