Friday, February 24, 2012

Filmvetter Bait

Does anybody even remotely think this is gonna be a great movie?  It's the same movie that comes out 100x a year now - perfectly watchable but completely unremarkable.  Just like with the shitcrap of Judd Apatow films that have his crew every time, I'm starting to have a sneaking suspicion that anything Paul Rudd's in is just an excuse for him to hang out with his friends for a coupla months.  He could care less about making any mark on the art, he just wants to have a good time.  Rudd, and movies in general actually, have become the Lebron James of the industry. No risk-taking grasps at immortality, just hanging out with friends on top of piles of money.  Fucking hell.  Clooney for one gets credit for every once in a while trying to actually make a good movie (tho gets dinged for Oceans 48.)

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