Thursday, February 23, 2012

GOP "Debate"

I could only stomach a few minutes of the debate last night, but, again, the #1 strategy for each candidate seems to be less to promote his own ideas on how to better the country and more to convince the audience that he hates Obama more than the next guy.  We're about two debates away from one of them finally upping the ante by claiming Obama is worse than Hitler times Stalin and even slightly worse than OJ Simpson.  If I was a candidate, I'd simply throw down the gauntlet by turning to the camera and saying "if you elect me president, I will march to The White House and shoot that fucking n---er in the fucking head."  I mean, what's up with all this dancing around, pussy nonsense?  Just skip ahead to the third act already, for chrissake.

"Then I'd stuff that nappy head in the shitter and flush a coupla times, 'how you like me now, Sambo!'"

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