Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Got a D in Econ, So You Need to Listen to Me Here

Matthew Yglesias HERE shakes his head at the absurdity of the Dow Jones:
This just goes to show that the Dow's creators already "know" the right answer (from looking at the S&P 500 and the Wilshire 5000) and then are trying to assemble an index to create the predetermined result. It's fine as a publicity stunt for the various firms that have owned the rights to the DJIA over the decades, but it makes no sense to refer to it as an indicator of anything other than the index-makers' tradecraft.
Of course a few years ago I pointed out that the only practical use of the Dow Jones seems to be to scare people who have no idea what it even is.

More importantly, this reminds me of my wanting to get a hamster:
Of course getting wound up about the daily ups and downs of the Dow, one way or the other, is silly. And obviously this silence is just typical "blame the other guy/don't give credit" political gamesmanship that any party does when it can. What you should take from this is

1) I am smarter than you.
2) I am better than you.
3) I'm thinking about getting a hamster to keep myself company. This is what it's come to. I'll call him "Hameneggz." "Hammy"? Hmm.
"Hameneggz"!!!! Ha!  I slay me!

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