Wednesday, February 15, 2012

In America

In what surely must be a comedy piece, Noam Chomsky warns America to heed the lessons learnt from Vietnam and Iraq.  Try to get through a few paragraphs without laughing out loud, I'll wait here for you.  You're back? Great!

Vietnam was right there as a recent "Lets Not Do This" playbook, and yet we charged ahead into Iraq...led in great part by the very people that had been in Vietnam.  And now that we have not one but TWO fiascos to learn from, the very same people who led the charge to Iraq and now shitting their pants with eagerness to goto war with Iran and Syria.  After that, they'll find someone else to invade so they feel better about their small penises.  In their eyes, it is the insistence on refusing to learn from past mistakes that makes them more American than anyone else.

Learning, after all, is for Europeans.

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