Thursday, February 02, 2012

Must Say

A week later, We Take Care of Our Own is an even better song than I originally thought.  Also, it will surely be the most misunderstood song since Born in the USA, so there's that.
Today being the 6th Anniversary of the Iraq War along with my post below about Born in the USA made me think of when Dave took me & Op to meet Bruce - Dave bopping in the room and easily settling onto the arm of a couch and me & Op standing, looking petrified like we knew we were about to be forced with a gun to kiss each other. Anyway, that show was on March 7, 2003, so 12 days before the official kick-off to the war.

Now, for a few years up to this point Bruce has been playing Born in the USA in what some consider it's original form, the solo 12-string slide guitar version that was meant for Nebraska. So when between songs Bruce started talking about the war and I picked up that he was gonna play the song, I kinda thought "piss break." But he was talking about the mistake we were making, and then a fucking vein almost popped out of his forehead and he said "This is a song called Born in the USA" and Max' snare snapped and what followed was one of the angriest 5-6 minutes I've ever seen in a show before or since. Full-on band. Dude spit every word. And it wasn't cute, and nobody sang along, and it wasn't "anthemic." It's the song I most remember from that show, and it was bone-shattering. Like it was meant to be. Like it always was. - XMASTIME

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