Thursday, February 02, 2012

Oh, for Phucks Sake

For some reason, over at Sully we're supposed to be impressed with this chart re: the decline of segregation.

WOW, a gradual decline in the separation of blacks and whites OVER FOUR DECADES has gone from 7.9 to about 5.4 -  gee let's all do a touchdown dance!! We're  whites, of course  awesome!  Gee, that means white people are great, doesn't it?  Can we a possibly make a graph that's MORE irrelevant??? Is it possible; can we find an old Dow Jones graph to compare this to?

For the love of God: this is a chart that stars out at 1890!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jack said...

To be honest, we should be glad it's not going up. I mean, Jesus, we have Ron Fucking Paul (oops, make that "Doctor Paul") going around talking about how the Civil Rights Act is a massive violation of property rights and how the South was the real victim in the Civil War. To say nothing of Gingrich's entire racist pitch. Or, fuck, the whole putrid GOP -- the whole thing is a festering pit of race based hate.

So, yeah, if the line was holding steady I'd say that was cause for celebration; the fact that it's going down is great news.