Friday, February 24, 2012

The Oscars, Something About Me Hittin' Skins

Alyssa Rosenberg on the absurdity of Oscarexia:
Let’s be real here for a second: clothes are made in variable sizes. These are the the best-looking women in the world, and the Oscars are one of the biggest platforms in the world to showcase a dress. That actresses accept that clothes can only come to them in one of a couple of sizes instead of insisting that designers send over dresses in the size that actually fits them is absolutely insane. It makes no sense for actresses and stylists to act as if they have no power, when wearing a dress in a high-profile situation—say, an Inaugural Ball—can make a designer as Michelle Obama did for Jason Wu. And even if they don’t want to pick a designer who will actually treat them like a dignified customer and get them something that fits, these women are rich enough that, if designers persist in being awful and refusing to send them dresses in something other than a size 2 or 4, they can afford to buy clothes that actually fit them!
Obviously, despite my extensive research during Fashion Weeks, I couldn't give less of a shit about what actresses wear on the night they congratulate each on how awesome they are.  But this line intrigues me:
We’ve been hearing for years about how designers refuse to dress Christina Hendricks, who is one of the most attractive women on the planet, because she doesn’t fit their sample sizes.
"Refuse to dress" reminds me of the time in college I hooked up with some smoking hot chick and the next morning pretended I couldn't find her clothes, just so I could keep her naked a little longer.  It's called being a playah, people.

Although I do enjoy it when they present their scent for arousal.

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