Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Single and LOVING It!

Via Sully we ask do we discriminate against single people:
[Unmarried people] pay more for health and car insurance than married people do. They don’t get the same kind of tax breaks. Co-op boards, mortgage brokers, and landlords often pass them over. So do the employers with the power to promote them. ... “Married people had a supermajority of political power at the time the [current tax] rules were enacted,” [law professor Lily Kahng] notes. But today? “Single people continue to be marginalized even though they comprise close to half the adult U.S. population,” she says.
As with the whole "gay marriage will destroy the sanctity of marriage!" trope, shit like this would be easier to take seriously if the #1 group of people who don't take being married seriously wasn't, in fact, married people.  When the divorce rate stops rocketing past 50%, call me; til then, it's all fucking bullshit.

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