Thursday, February 09, 2012

Viva L'idiot

Rick Santorum is getting a lot of shit for saying that the Left is leading America to the French Revolution, complete with beheadings:
 It was a secular revolution on which we relied on the goodness of eacother. This is the left’s view of where America should go. And of course where did France go? To the guillotine. To tyranny. If there are no rights that government needs to respect, then what we see with ObamaCare is just the beginning of what government will do to you.
On one hand, it's remarkable that Santorum would equate the direction America has been going in recent years with the France before it's Revolution, since he could be right.

Unfortunately for Ricky, it's the very things that he and his own party are fighting to the death FOR, ie incredible income disparity accelerated by refusing to allow the wealthy to carry their own tax burden, and incredibly expensive, unnecessary wars, that are what makes the situation akin to the events leading up to the French Revolution.  Not anything Obama is doing, including a pretend "war" on religion.

I wrote the same thing last year, but with a sexier photo:
The Tea Party's ignorance of history allows it to align itself with the Founding Fathers that guided the American Revolution, when in actuality, The TP's policy of insisting there be no tax burden on the wealthy coupled with expensive wars we can't afford equals an almost frame-by-frame repeat of the run-up to the French Revolution.  And yet they accuse Obama of wanting to turn us into France.  The irony is almost TOO delish, n'est pas?

SIDENOTE: Just wanted to remind everyone that I am combining the Tea Party along with the axiom that like sausage, nobody likes to see how politics is made, and founding a new political party: The Sausage Party. All dudes. By dudes.  For dudes. Dudes.

We're here. We hate queers. Where's the beer?

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