Friday, March 30, 2012

Adrienne Rich

Michael Lund's Literary Criticism class was my favorite college class of all time for three reasons:

1) It introduced me to my favorite author, Eric Kraft
2) Although it was the highest level English class at the school, Dr. Lund never missed an opportunity to weave The Muppets into the narrative of whatever we were discussing
3) I was the only dude in a class with 22 girls.

In reviewing a paper I wrote comparing Adrienne Rich to Elaine Showalter and Joanna Smith (the mother from Growing Pains?!?!!), I wrote that Rich would wonder if we should attribute much of Showalter's success to her husband, who was then the head of the Governor's Office for Motion Pictures and Television Developments, whatever that is.

The only reason I bring this up is I had a line that read "Based on her recognizing the luck she herself had been born into, Rich would consider Showalter's success to be a product of being in the write place at the right time."

Dr. Lund wrote a note over write: "a pun?"

For a few moments just now I smugly wondered "hmm, DID i mean the typo as a pun?" and patted my 22 year-old self on the back, which within about 8 seconds devolved from that to "well, no, it was just an honest typo" to "did...did Dr. Lund feel so sorry for me he tried to give me an out, 'um, Xmas, you, ahhhh...surely you meant to do this, right?'"

Sigh. Not as bad as the prof who felt the need to spell out what the word colloquial meant, but still. 

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