Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Bird & Magic

But Bird and Magic were pure rivals. They were nearly the same height, turned pro the same year, and were so inflamed to beat each other that it pushed both of them to heights they might not have otherwise reached. Combined, they won eight NBA titles and six MVPs.
Having absolutely worn out the HBO OnDemand Magic & Larry doc (which I have begged everyone to watch over the years, whether or not they even like basketball) to the point of memorizing it, I'm excited to see The Announcement Sunday night on ESPN, about the 20 years since Magic announced his having HIV. Here's a great interview with them and Rick Reilly.
Magic: I was depressed all that one summer (of 1984, after his Lakers lost in the Finals to Bird's Celtics in seven games). I was miserable. I sat in the dark a lot. I mean, a lot. I only went outside the house to go to the gym. I felt it was my fault for making some bad mistakes that cost us that series.

Reilly: Where? Where did you sit in the dark?

Magic: Just in my living room, going over the game, going over every play. 'Cause that's what you do when you lose. You sit and think about it. And the headlines were calling me "Tragic Magic."

Bird (laughing): I wrote them headlines!

Magic: If you didn't, you found somebody who would've!

Bird (laughing): Man, I had a great summer!

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