Thursday, March 22, 2012

Blah Blah Blah, Wildly Waving My Hands in the Air While Shouting at the TV

There was a recent time when Republicans running for office ran away from George Bush. And yet today, the popular thing within the GOP the seems to be to double down on his greatest hits.

Bush got us into the two most unpopular wars of all time not made by George Lucas in the 1990s, Iraq and Afghanistan, which we're apparently STILL fucking around with. And yet if you're a "conservative" now you need to be chomping at the bit to bomb the fuck out of Iran, Syria, Pakistan, and anywhere else you can find a map that doesn't have the word REAGAN stamped on it.

Bush gave us the Bush Tax Cuts (insert Lou Gehrig's disease joke here) that, along with his two wars, helped destroy the economy; meanwhile one look at Paul Ryan or any other Republican's "ideas", and the main gist seems to be "you know, the original Bush tax cuts really hurt the economy and all, sure, but I feel like if we really focus on not only re-hashing them but making them even WORSE for 99% of Americans, we can REALLY drive this economy into the dirt and bury it once and for all! Also, I don't understand math!!"

On the other side of things, it's astonishing to think that ten years ago Bush had hopes of procuring the ever-growing Latino vote for the GOP. Now? Not only do they actively say "fuck you!" to Latinos (see Zona, Ari), but have decided to double down by also saying fuck you to women. Well done, geniuses.

But then, 50 million people in November will vote for whoever the GOP candidate is, so there ya go. As usual my hyperventilating is laughably useless, and I'd be better off posting old Garfield strips.

But I won't, cause I'm a ballbuster!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, going into Afghanistan was a popular decision supported by nearly everyone including politicans of both parties. I would agree it is folly, but it has been bipartisan folly.

Iraq- no argument there.

If wishing our current and very, very generous immigration rules should be followed rather than keeping the floodgates open for every high school dropout to come in illegally is saying Fuck You to Latinos, then perhaps we should all say it louder. Of course, in reality none of the admittedly less than impressive GOPers have indicated they will do anything with regards to that.

Watch out Xmastime. Sooner or later one will take your job. Whatever that is .