Monday, March 26, 2012

Close Enough.

The other day I mused thusly:
Bruce is playing Tampa tonight. I wonder if he opened with 41 Shots.
Now the word is in:
Following the Apollo Medley and the "world's oldest living crowd-surfer," Bruce and the band began "American Skin (41 Shots)." The performance was offered without comment, but it was patently obvious that the killing of Travyon Martin was the impetus for the song's appearance, with this show the band's only visit to Florida during the first leg of the tour. In a show full of peaks, "American Skin" was the standout performance, starting as a slow burn before exploding with a Nils Lofgren guitar solo and ending with the band building behind Bruce repeating the "you can get killed just for living in your" lyric.
Also, is it even possible to write anything gayer than "I mused thusly"? Magic 7-ball says "HELL NO, QUEER"

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