Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Downton Abbey du Jour

Apparently today is the final day you can stream Season 2 online. Now we gotta wait ten months for Season 3, which makes me sad. See:  :(

- Branson has died an ugly, horrible death, leaving Sybil Xmastime single and "hornier than ever!."
- Cora's voice finally changes to an adult one. Hell, I'll even take "child" over "baby" voice.
- The writers finally go all-in with the "Edith is so pitiful she'll desperately accept any man who'll have her" trope and set her up with this lovely chap.
- Anna gives Bates the "now that you're in prison for life I think it's time we see other people" speech, Bates says something oh-so-Batesy like "thus it should be so" and immediately gets raped by the prison guards.
- Matthew and Mary have a sex tape "leaked," Mary blasts all the h8rs on her Twitter.
- Daisy accidentally invents the baby egg roll, makes billions of dollars and tells Mrs. Patmore "it's been real, fatty!" while peeling out in her souped-up Model T with flames painted on the side, immediately runs over William's creepy dad. "Beep beep!"
- Nobody explains it or even acknowledges it, but suddenly Steve Buschemi as Nucky Thompson is seen in the background, giving a pile of tommy guns to Thomas.
- Lord Grantham invests his entire fortune in the Chicago Cubs. "This team is gonna win a ton of World Series titles, ka--ching$$$$!"
- Sir Richard shows up outside Mary's window blaring In Your Eyes from his Victrola, Mary for a second is swayed by this until remembering oh yeah, Matthew is the dreamiest guy in the world and has a miracle spine that defies the laws of science.
- Lady Violet says something LOL funny every time the camera points to her, someone says "hey, you should do open mic night at The Chuckle Hut!", she does and bombs spectacularly and spends the rest of the series mumbling with absolutely no self-assurance.

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