Monday, March 05, 2012

Fly Titties

This is Harriet Quimby, who, besides having the least sexy name in history, was what Amelia Earhart wanted to be:
It’s quite likely that she inspired Earhart, who didn’t start flying until a decade after Quimby. And while Amelia was famous for being the first solo female pilot to cross the Atlantic in 1932, Quimby was the first woman pilot to fly solo over the English Channel in 1912. She was also the first woman to obtain a pilot’s license in America. As if that weren’t notable enough, she wrote screenplays for D.W. Griffith between flights.
But of course she had the stupidity to fly across the English Channel the day after the Titanic sank so nobody gave a shit. Kinda like dying the same day as JFK, I reckon.

Apparently they're trying to get some heat this year since it's the centennial of that historic flight. Also, is it me or is she kinda hot?

1 comment:

Sean said...

She looks a bit like Natalie Portman