Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Oh, For Fuck's Sake

I'm at a loss as to why everyone's squeamish about the Jets courting Peyton Manning because it might hurt Mark Sanchez' feelings. What the fuck? Now, as you know I hate the Jets with a passion bordering on the absurd, and personally I'd think Peyton would hafta be out of his mind to come play for an ass-clown like  Chris Christie  Rex Ryan.  But to think Sanchez will curl up into the fetal position and suck his thumb while clinging to his Hello Kitty blanket if the Jets flirt with Manning is insane.  First of all, how many fucking times do we hafta hear "hey, it's a business" during any of these dealings? Secondly, Mark Sanchez is a PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE. Professional athletes are pretty famous for having rather healthy egos. On top of that, he is a fucking NFL QUARTERBACK. NFL quarterbacks, last I checked, have rather healthy egos. Lastly, we're talking about a guy who was told by his college coach to not leave college because he wasn't ready for the NFL and he said fuck it, I'm going anyway.

If the Jets wanna go for Peyton Manning, they should go for Peyton Manning. As far as I can see, Mark Sanchez' feelings are the least of their problems. For fuck's sake.

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