Saturday, March 31, 2012

Questions. I Have Them.

Are the 1994 Arkansas Razorbacks the only instance of the NCAA champion coming from the state of the sitting President? I guess you could say Dubya with the 2004 Connecticut team, but he always had to pretend he was from Texas to fool stupid people into voting for him, so. Interesting.

Also interesting: dry ice.  I mean, what the fuck?

UPDATE: from Sean of Tilting Suds
 1966 - Texas Western won it all with LBJ in the White House 


sean said...

1966 - Texas Western won it all with LBJ in the White House

Sean said...

And while I am at it, UCLA won damn near every year Nixon was in the White House, and Kansas won in 1952, which was the year Ike won the presidency

Xmastime said...

good point about UCLA, i meant to say something about them, ie "let's assume..." ;)

as for Kansas, I said "sitting" president, so.

wait, Ike was born in Texas. Raised in KS, could be a trick question!