Thursday, March 29, 2012


One reason I need to find the woman of my dreams and get married is  so I don't die completely alone, curled up under my bed in the dark, naked and crying into a tub of Country Crock  for when I'm sick. I'm sick right now, and sure if I wanted one of my friends to bring me something I need they would, but it's just not the same, is it? I remember when an old girlfriend (no, I mean old as in a long time ago not that she was old!) came to see me after I'd had my wisdom teeth pulled, and she spent hours entertaining me with sock puppets - on the fly, she invented an entire cast of characters and the world they lived in.

Oh, RIGHT - that was ME! I've NEVER had a woman dote on me while I was sick. Grrrr.

Sigh. Always a Sheldon. Never a Penny.

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