Sunday, March 04, 2012

State of the GOP, Because I Know Everything

One job that seems to be recession-proof is the guy that crafts the apology whenever some pussy Republican dares to diss Rush Limburgerwithcheeseandthendeepfrythewholethuingandthenwrapitupinmybatteredmantittiesandilleatitwithastraw. Looks like he'll be working tonite for Newt...will be interesting to see if Newt grovels for forgiveness on FOX, or will have the beef curtains to appear on Rush's show and squeeze out a few tears of apology for criticizing His Titness. Good luck, Neutered Newt! - XMASTIME

Hardly a day goes by now without some Republican chutterfuck scrambling to apologize to Rush Limbergerwithcheeseandthentakemorecheeseandwrapitaroundawholepizzaanddeepfrythattoo. While I know that every Republican leader is probably fucking little boys in his basement, is it really possible Rush is holding onto pictures of this? How else can this be explained? - XMASTIME
George Will gets off a great line this morning about the GOP being pussies in standing up to Limbaugh:
Will mocked Speaker John Boehner for calling Rush’s language “inappropriate ” as comically weak, noting “using a salad fork for your entree, that’s inappropriate.”  
Will also attacked the GOP presidential candidates timid response: “They want to bomb Iran, but they’re afraid of Rush Limbaugh.”
While it's always correct to scoff at the GOP's "Yes, Massa!" relationship with Rushbo, when you think of the above posts from only two years ago, it's almost comforting how far things have come. Eventually, maybe Republicans will realize the damage someone like Rush et al is doing to them and do something about it:
This is another case of "the 8 Republicans in charge make the other 50 million look bad," but when shit like this starts going down, maybe it's time to get rid of those 8 people?
Or not, who the fuck knows. Also: when will George Will get blasted as an elite for knowing what a salad fork is?

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