Thursday, April 26, 2012

Come the Fuck On Already

A documentary about The Wrecking Crew is on my Fantasy Wish List of Documentaries, and it turns out there's one that's been one that's been ready to come out for years, but has stalled because of song licensing fees:
In theory Mr. Tedesco could argue that as a documentary his film has a journalistic and educational function and is therefore entitled to the fair use exemption to copyright that news organizations routinely invoke. But he would then run the risk of lawsuits, and “that’s too scary,” said Claire Scanlon, who edited the film and is one of its producers. “This is a one-man show and a labor of love, and Denny has already been wiped out financially by this film.” (As Mr. Tedesco explains it, he has at various points mortgaged his house and maxed out his credit cards.)
What is always obvious to me is the following, although whatthefuckdoiknow:
 “The Wrecking Crew made these songs hits and made the record companies a ton of money,” he said. “It’s to their advantage to let this thing come out. Here’s this beautifully crafted marketing vehicle that could sell so many more copies of these great songs. It’s free money for the labels, with no cost for them. But here comes Denny to reinvigorate their catalog, and he has to pay to do it.
Other fantasy docs include of course anything on Phoebe Cates and/or Burger Chef.

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