Sunday, April 01, 2012

Death, Cont.

5) “She’s fighting cancer”
This is another thing people say to make themselves feel better. So & so is 94, has cancer, is immobile and in a hospital bed but we gotta say “Hey, she’s fighting it. She’s a fighter.” Is she? I dunno. You’re basically lying there – there’s nothing you can do with your hands, the medication’s not working; am I now to believe you’re using a Jedi mind trick to keep yourself alive? We always like to feel like someone hung there an extra day or two by sheer determination. Cause yeah, if there’s ever a period of my life I’d like to drag out a little longer it’s when I’m in bed shitting myself while my family hovers over top of me waiting for me to kick so they can all fight for my “Highlights” collection. I wanna be the other guy, so they say “Yeah, I dunno, I thought Xmastime woulda lasted a few more days, but he really seemed to give up and let himself die. Didn’t fight it at all. A quitter, some might say.”- XMASTIME
Upon further reflection no my thoughts on what a coward I'd be if I knew I was about to be killed, I suppose that if I KNEW for a FACT that I was about to die, I'd resign myself to the idea that there's no use in wasting that time crying and sniveling. I reckon I'd use that time to think about the happiest moments of my life.

The opposite of course is that if I was to die expectantly, I'd want it to be when I was miserable.

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