Saturday, April 07, 2012

Derbyshire Make a Bloggah Wannah Hollah

Oh, John Derbyshire of the National Review gives a lecture on how to avoid black people because they're dangerous, untrustworthy and sub-human? Whoa-whoa his fellow Republicans will shout, we don't think that way!

And yet

1) He will remain employed there
2) No Republican of any prominence will discredit him or say he should be discredited/fired
2) No Democrat will step in to say "if you're you're not a big fan of what John Derbyshire wrote, maybe you're better off as a Democrat" because they're pussies

I guarantee the number of votes the GOP loses over this will be under, say, four. If a Democrat walked in on a Republican kicking a puppy, the Democrat would say "gee, puppies have it rough", instead of saying "hey puppies, guess what - if you come over here, we have food and water and a fucking chew toy for you!"

UPATE 8:42PM: They fired him, presumably just to make me look bad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe because nobody knows who he is?