Friday, April 06, 2012

Oh, For Fuck's Sake Already

You people know I LOVES me some Planes, Trains and Automobiles. But how fucking embarrassing is that final scene, the homecoming one? The wife slowly descending down the stairs in soft focus as everyone, even the children, know the solemnity of the occasion and stand by respectfully at parade rest until she finally falls into his arms, when everyone breathes a sigh of wondrous relief. I mean, what the fuck - he was gone for a coupla days, during which he kept in contact with you over the phone! He wasn't away at war, he wasn't lost at sea or stranded on an island talking to a volleyball. I would think she'd be a little more concerned that suddenly there is a man in her house about whom her husband has told her nothing about other than he's a maniac. Yet without a word he's Uncle Del, and the world makes sense again because a wealthy ad executive has somehow overcome the odds to return home after a less than luxurious three days. For fuck's sake already.

"Threesome? Damn right."

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