Sunday, April 22, 2012

Oh, Goddammit.

It also occurred to me over the weekend that there's no reason I shouldn't become a priest. For one, then odds of me ever having sex again are slim to none, so what else is there to not being a priest? I suck at making money, but wouldn't hafta worry about it as a priest, as my room and board would be taken care of for the rest of my life. I lead a fairly spartan life as it is now, so it won't be such a huge change for me. So I might have to give up my fancy Prell shampoo, bfd. Also, at least once a week I'd have a trapped audience who would hafta sit through my "riffs" and stories. Sure I don't believe any of the stuff, but I figure if Ryan Seacrest can date women I can spread fairy tales every Sunday. And vestment robes can be slimming!!! - XMASTIME
Via Sully we see these people actually exist:
Here is how it often works: teenagers glowing with enthusiasm decide to devote their lives to a career of helping others and, looking around in their rather sheltered communities, they see no better, purer option than going into the clergy. When they get to seminary they find themselves being taught things that nobody told them in Sunday school. The more they learn of theology and the history of the composition of the Bible, the less believable they find their creed. Eventually they cease to believe altogether. But, alas, they have already made a substantial commitment in social capital - telling their families and communities about their goals - so the pressure is strong to find an accommodation, or at least to imagine that if they hang in there they will find one. 
Sigh. Coulda shoulda been me!

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