Monday, April 30, 2012

Tea Party Candidates Are Real Americans Who Stand By Their Principles Unless Something Better Comes Along

Moi ICI two years ago:
This mythology that Tea Partiers are gonna get into DC and "fuck some shit up!!" because they're "real" is laughable.  How do we know this, you ask? Anybody remember the name Scott Brown? That's right, wasn't it only a few months ago that Scott Brown was gonna get to the Senate and change everything? Gee, what's happened since? Have you even heard his name once since then? Of course not. He's slipped very nicely into the warm, soothing bubble, very at home with the $14 tuna sandwiches and rounds of golf with hookers for caddies. I promise you Scott Brown will throw each and every Tea Partier that got him elected under the bus come 2013 to hold onto his job. Scott Brown will torch Fenway while sucking Derek Jeter's dick before he gives up his seat in the Senate.
And heeeeeeeey, whaddya fucking know: those very Tea Party candidates who were going to "fundamentally change DC", fueled by furious outrage over the bailouts and "big government", are happily taking $crillah from the very banks that were bailed out.

Gee. Quel suhpreeze.

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