Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Teleprompter BS

Republicans pretend to be outraged by Obama's use of a teleprompter, since of course he's the first one ever to use one and that makes him the devil (yes, I'm sure President Romney would be very comfortable free-wheeling it, "jes' talkin' to the folks!" Mitt being Mitt!) and of course the outrage serves to insinuate without one Obama coudln't make a speech because as we all know black people are stupid.  Now it turns out Obama isn't the only left-wig freedom-hating socialist to use one:
Meanwhile, Springsteen has been using the teleprompter in his latest national tour. A small monitor strategically positioned onstage scrolls through the lyrics of songs as he performs. For some, this represents artistic betrayal by "The Boss" who has a special relationship with his fans and a reputation for keeping it real.
Nils Lofgren, who for some reason is in the band, defends The Boss:
"On the Last E Street tour, we played 192 different songs on that tour alone. Dozens of those songs were from audience-request signs Bruce would collect and dump in front of the drum riser. He would then rifle through them, sailing them around him until he found a song to attempt ... many songs were covers we had never performed live. EVER! He would show us the sign and then immediately "frisbee" it down the stairs to the teleprompter crew to surf the net and find the lyrics while we all talked up a quick arrangement at his microphone, knowing he'd be counting it off in 20 seconds. Many of those audibles were Bruce songs, unrehearsed or played in years or decades. With our collective musical memory, hand signals and teleprompter, it allows for those ambitious, ad lib moments and an inspired, musical recklessness I believe is unique to our shows."
I'd say look, Bruce is 94 fucking years old - if he he needs help remembering the words, let him use a teleprompter; we should be happy he can see the fucking thing from his bifocals.

Note to self: use a teleprompter during my next love-making session  which will probably be on a hovercraft

"F...a...c..t..o...Factory! Yeeeeaaaaaaay!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes you are correct. It is faux outrage based on nothing. Mindless rhetoric akin to "Bush's oil buddies" and the like.

Did you notice that both Bush and Obama were pilloried by the other side for bowing to the Saudi King?

I guess it is too much to ask us to approach our politicians with a bit of sobriety, objectivity and fairness.