Friday, April 20, 2012

What the Fuck is Taking So Long?

I am not a lawyer; the closest thing to being one is one year during prep school when I took a job as an assistant to an irascible, blind, medically retired Army officer who would later defend me when the school tried to expel me with an impassioned speech questioning the integrity of a system that rewards informing on classmates. He told them that I'd shown integrity in my actions and for the committee to not expel me because this is what great leaders are made of and that I'd make them proud in the future. After that we lost touch, but my question remains: why has it taken so long to prosecute Roger Clemens? I mean, this is a "did he or didn't he lie" case, isn't it? As I said I'm not a lawyer so I don't really know the answer, but I do feel that it should be shorter than The Beatles' entire recording career, or World War I & II combined. What the fuck. Who do they think he is, R. Kelly?

"Don't look, but my high school girlfriend from when this trial began just walked in...I said don't look! JESUS you smell incredible!!"

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