Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Why Do We Still Listen to Donald Trump?

A coupla years ago Donald Trump showed his asshole colors by heavily-handedly playing out some Miss America or whatever the fuck his pageant is called drama, as if the girl was lucky for him to even consider forgiving her in public:
But last week I got a whiff of reekiness when he actually called a press conference to announce he’d be deciding if Miss America could keep her crown. What? Why would this have to be made public unless he actually did decide to cut her loose? One thing if he calls a press conference to say that he was firing her, sorry, tuff luck she blew it. But to announce to the world that he was gonna think about it for a while so we could wait on the edge of our seats, all the while embarrassing this young girl is (I hope) the height of his arrogance and desperate need for attention. Unreal. And then we’re supposed to pat him on the back and shake our heads “what a great guy! Giving the girl a second chance!” Fuck you. I only wish she had told him to go fuck himself, a la my dreams listed here (#6). Rosie’s** right, and the fact that he would IMMEDIATELY grab a camera and basically hurl childish, personal insults directed at her weights shows who we’re dealing with.
Well I guess he's worried he hasn't been in the news enough lately (also, it's almost been a year and we're still waiting for all the "incredible!" and "amazing!" dirt he dug up in Hawaii on Obama...gee, I wonder what that was all about?) cause now he's showing his  dick   ass again with this years pageant:
Trump inserted himself into the controversy surrounding a transgender contestant who had been disqualified from participating in his Miss Universe competition by offering to show his penis:
Donald Trump is confident … attorney Gloria Allred would be blown away by his man junk. 
The Donald called in to TMZ Live moments ago, claiming, I think Gloria would be very very impressed with [my penis].”

Donald also said he wouldn’t apologize for disqualifying Jenna last week from the Miss Universe pageant on the basis of her birth gender — even though he later reversed his position — and added, he “couldn’t care less” if Jenna even competes.
I for one think Trump should show his dick, if only to prove he does have a hole in a head that spews stuff even remotely making sense.

**speaking of Rosie O'Donnell and dicks, here's a a picture of her joking around with her dick.

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