Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bristol Palin

Lil' Sniffs, bless her heart, has turned Obama's coming out for gay marriage into being about, ta-DA!!...her mom!
So let me get this straight – it’s a problem if my mom listened too much to my dad, but it’s a heroic act if the President made a massive change in a policy position that could affect the entire nation after consulting with his teenage daughters?
Yes, Obama based this entire decision on the opinions of his daughters. Of course. To her credit, she does flash a sense of humor:
In this situation, it was the other way around.  I guess we can be glad that Malia and Sasha aren’t younger, or perhaps today’s press conference might have been about appointing Dora the Explorer as Attorney General because of her success in stopping Swiper the Fox. 
"Wait, fags getting married?" 

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