Thursday, May 10, 2012


I've never been a Tim Burton guy, but for some reason I find myself saying "gee, the one movie I wanna go see in the theater is Dark Shadows!" To be honest, I really have no idea why I think this, especially upon reading this over at Grantland:
Creatively speaking, the union of Burton and Depp has become the worst kind of marriage: They don’t seem to have anything new to say to each other. In the last decade, Burton/Depp movies have become bigger (while delivering less), grander (though only in the lumbering sense), and way more ridiculous (and yet somehow also way less fun). In Alice, Depp “re-imagined” the Mad Hatter as a flamboyant, Bozo-haired hobo in the middle of the most expensive and sorta boring acid trip of all time. (Tom Petty probably spent 1/10,000th of Alice's budget for the “Don’t Come Around Here No More” video, and yet his Mad Hatter — and his drugs — are noticeably superior.) In Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Depp slit more throats than then the Geto Boys in “Mind of a Lunatic,” but Burton failed to put any emotional guts into the sour musical. (Depp, however, did somehow manage an Oscar nomination for Best Actor.) The curiously inessential Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is actually better than you probably remember, but you probably don’t remember it.
The Tom Petty line gets an LOL; I must admit I liked the remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, probably because

1) unlike everyone else in the world, I'd never seen the original

2) it's easy to fall in love with that little kid, who was perfect for the role

Anyhoo, I'm sure I won't go see it anyway. Why not, you ask?


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