Saturday, May 19, 2012

Fuck You Curt Schilling

Curt Schilling comes out on Facebook about his recent fiasco:
To all the prayers and well wishes to the team and families at 38, God Bless and thank you! We will find a way, and the strength, to endure.
And is met with the truth about his hypocritical bullshit, here's a few faves:
- The people of RI don't need your prayers, they need their loan payment. How very republican of you to move your company to the place that gives you the best deal and then renege on your promise.

- Government hand outs are OK now ? This gross hypocrisy does not surprise me one bit.
Shilling spent his whole career being paid by owners that extort money from the tax payers of the cities and states who build them their venues. He was always a huge benefiter of socialism. Not that that fact ever penetrated his ego.

- Schilling in 2011: "No bailouts for industry!"
Schilling in 2012: "Brother, can you spare a dime for my failed version of Galaxians?"

- And im sure it will be God that will help out his employers not the unemployment benefits thou shalll receive

- a conservative is merely a liberal who hasn't asked for his personal safety net yet.....

- So its alright for you to accept money from the government, but when Solyndra took money from the government and that company went belly up that is a whole different story. I love you Republicans, your motto is "Do as I say, but don't do as I do." Keep praying to the ghost in the sky money will of a sudden appear out of no where. I

- I think you need to invest some of your own vast fortune to bail out your taxpayer funded, tax abated, free land corporation. It pains me that 300 people will become jobless due to your mismanagement but you have declared repeatedly that you are against taxpayer bailouts and are 3000% free market. You are now asking the taxpayers to bail out your failed corporation. Then you tried to kite a check you knew would not clear the bank... Time for you to step up to the plate, sir. Take responsibility for your own actions, your own corporation and bail yourself out.
HAHAHAAH!  Fuck yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew, shithead!

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