Wednesday, May 02, 2012

I'm Starting to Think Romney Wants to Lose

A spokesman for Romney, who otherwise was a perfectly competent spokesman, is forced to resign after being found guilty of GWR (Gay While Republican.) I'm officially starting to question the seriousness of the GOP's insatiable thirst to dethrone Obama.

Sully brings up this lovely memory from  1938  2000:
"I recall in the 2000 GOP Convention that Jim Kolbe, an openly gay congressman, gave a speech about free trade. The entire Texas delegation literally turned their backs on him - purely because he is gay."
Unfortunately, there's a "isnt that the last thing you'd wanna do with a fag in the room?" joke in there somewhere. But seriously, is there anyone left for them to ostracize - Latinos, women, homosexuals; the GOP has become the party akin to when NY Daily News sportswriter accused Yankees manager Joe Girardi of  "Creeping La Russa-ism": the constant search for one guy who doesn't have it. Republicans are determined to be remembered as the guys in the Woolworths picture dumping eggs on people.

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