Saturday, May 12, 2012

Interview with the Owner of Bianco's Pizza

I've never been there (duh, it's in godawful Arizona for fuck's sake), but it always pops up on any show discussing the country's best pizza, and I like what he says:
You know, I always tell people, "The best pizza is the one that you like, not the one I tell you to like." Mine isn't better or worse. We can be on best of lists and people can talk about snipping the basil 30 seconds before they put it on the pie, but the only thing that really matters is that primal reaction when you put it in front of someone and they say, "This is fucking delicious." Nothing else matters.
My favorite pizza will always be Roma's back home, prolly partially due to the Pizza Cognition Theory.

Here's Chris Bianco carefully crafting one of his world-famous pizzas.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here's some guy at Roma's throwing some dough at the ceiling.

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