Wednesday, May 09, 2012


Last week HERE I wrote that I wouldn't have a problem with my kid playing football, unless he and his opponents become amped-up physical freaks:
When I think of the small empire of 5-6 year-old boys close to me, I still think I'd be fine with them playing football in high school. The last high school football game I went to, maybe 10 years ago, I was laughing at how small the players were; they looked like lambs frolicking, rolling over each other. Now, if I find any of my guys suddenly weighing 300lbs and running a 4.3 40 while competing against the same I'll be worried, but in terms of normal-sized high school kids they have a better chance of getting a concussion by falling off their bikes than playing football, so.
And now I see that Lavar Arrington says the same thing:
Arrington says he wants his son, LaVar II, to play football, and he believes that when young children are properly supervised and playing the game correctly, they’re generally not big and strong enough to seriously injure each other in collisions.
(cue me shitting myself) 

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