Monday, May 21, 2012


Thursday, April 29, 2010


I'm rarely right about anything. I mean, I'm the guy that had a kiniption fit when the Cowboys traded away Herschel Walker, and it ended up giving the Cowboys 3 Super Bowl rings and a mini Hall-of-Fame roster. So. I probably would've fought Dylan going electric, I'm such a fucking idiot.

But the one thing I've gotten right is to put a poster of Big Bear on my door. No matter how fucking angry I get about everything - oh I hate this, I hate that, I hate you, why does the world suck etc etc - what separates me from the world is this ridiculous poster of Big Bear as Dragon Boy. It is LITERALLY impossible to open the door without seeing it and cracking up. Hell, I'll be honest, sometimes I give his fist a pound. By the time I'm on the other side of the door I've forgotten why I was so angry or depressed, and am just laughing, thinking about Big Bear and cracking up.

Hey, one good decision in 37 years. That's normal, right?

But on a more serious note, seriously...don't fuck with The Skunk Bandits. Period. Just don't.

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