Friday, May 11, 2012

Mitt the Bully

Apparently Mitt Romney is getting a lot of shit for bullying some gay kid back in high school.

I think it's pretty silly to judge a presidential candidate on who or what he was in high school - weren't we all assholes and idiots?  Also, it's pointless to claim that this episode somehow reflects Romney's stance on gay rights when he's pretty active today in making sure they have none, which should stand for more than some horseplay 50 years ago.

Most importantly, the idea that Romney being revealed to have been a bully will somehow cost him some votes come November is beyond laughable. After all, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT REPUBLICANS WANT - what is the Paul Ryan budget proposal if not a straight-up legislative piece of bullying? The GOP has become the party that wants entitled, rich white men to make life as miserable as possible for anyone else who is not entitled, rich and white. Come November, about 50 million idiots will line up to vote against their own interests to cheer on Romney BECAUSE he's very clear about being interested in only helping the rich entitled white people, of course thinking that their voting for him will somehow mean that the next day THEY'LL wake up rich and entitled. Romney shouldn't run from or apologize from this incident, he should double down on the fact that it's exactly how he'd be as a president, which would unleash a roar of approval from Republicans.

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