Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mystery Solved

Why women date assholes:
Under the hormonal influence of ovulation, women delude themselves into thinking that the sexy bad boys will become devoted partners and better dads. When looking at the sexy cad through ovulation goggles, Mr. Wrong looked exactly like Mr. Right...So, if a woman starts dating an asshole, she will—at least once a month—be under the impression that he'll make a good long-term mate. One interesting aside is the fact that the effects only seem to apply to the individual.
That's interesting in that I would have assumed the exact opposite to be true, that when ovulating a woman would default to a safer, more thoughtful dude who would be more in tune with theoretical nesting on her part. Of course it turns out that's 100% wrong and yet another reason I won't have a girlfriend until I meet "Miss Mahjong 2044" on a cruise ship somewhere in the North Atlantic, so.

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