Sunday, May 20, 2012

Oh, For Fuck's Sake

I can't seem to click on any site on the internet that doesn't have "" in the url without being bombarded with articles about the showrunner for Community being fired, and how outraged I'm supposed to be about it.

First of all, it's annoying how the term "showrunner" has somehow entered the pop culture lexicon over the past year, and now everyone with a 56K modem drops it in conversation like it's been around for decades. But look - the guy got to help create and run one of the most popular shows in the country (online, at least.) He got paid a ton of money doing precisely what he would do for free if he could, AND, though he's been "fired" he's still under contract as some sort of executive producer, meaning he ta-DA!....still gets paid. Meanwhile, guess who can stroll into any tv office in the country and pitch any sitcom he wants? And guess who has probably gotten a hundred job offers since all this happened? Guess who prolly has dozens of other tv bigwigs begging him to help create a new sho? Dan Harmon!

I'm sure he's bitter, and feels he got screwed, which is fine for him - but the idea that we're supposed to get swept up in some public relations uproar about this and put a second's thought into what's gonna happen to the guy is absurd. Who fucking gives a shit? Let's keep things in perspective, for fuck's sake. He had his dream job, now he kinda still does, and pretty soon he'll have it again. Gee, let me pass the hat. Would you happily trade your own troubles for Dan Harmon's? I'm guessing "yes." Dan Harmon trying to make us feel sorry for him right now is about as nonsensical as Mitt Romney claiming to be unemployed, or Conan back when he was crying and moaning. Come the fuck on already with that shit.

1 comment:

Marley said...

He suffers. Like Conan O'Brian suffered.