Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wait, What?

Giles Country, from my once and future home state of Virginia, is having a classic 10 Commandments display debate:
The School Board has gone back and forth over a Ten Commandments display that violates the First Amendment but has stirred passionate public support. After being taken down after objections in 2010, board members voted unanimously to put it back up after residents protested. On the advice of counsel, it then removed the display again.
Which I don't really give a shit about other than the article begins with this sentence:
"How many angels can fit on the head of a pin?" and "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?" are two of the great unanswerable questions for the ages. Giles County is raising a third.
What the fuck? Unlike the first question which is unanswerable because of the fact that angels are not real, you can in theory take a Tootsie Pop and count the number of licks it takes you to get to the center!!! Grrrr. (Head exploding)

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