Saturday, May 19, 2012

What's Good for AARP Isn't Always What's Good for America

This guy HERE wonders why young people aren't running for Congress.

Before reading the article I quickly thought this was due to Congressional Stagnation and our having to pry these fuckers out of their seats no matter how old they got, but he says no:
But what’s not been reported as far as I know is that one of the big factors in the aging of the Senate is in part a consequence not of high reelection rates or delayed retirement from senators too stubborn to quit, but of changes among incoming senators. Of course, not all newly elected senators are as old as Fischer and Mourdock, and Joe Biden was hardly typical of the 1970s, but as symbols of the change, you could do worse.
In other words, he's an idiot. But somehow, we hafta figure out a way for fewer senile people to be running things...for fuck's sake, it was only two and a half years ago that we had two people with a combined age of 144 deciding the future of out healthcare system! 
I wonder if politicians should have age limits? I mean, I don't think it's insulting to say that someone who WOULD HAVE BEEN TOO OLD TO BE ON THE FUCKING HICKORY HUSKERS' 1954 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM!!!! might not really be in touch with what much, much younger (as well as FUTURE) generations really want and need...These people should be admired and respected for their public service.  But if they don't keep you in Menudo after age 16, I don't know why we can't ease these people out of outrageously-important decision-making positions at an age before they qualify for the fucking Denny's 3:30 blue-plate grand slam (stool softener a lá carté.)

And don't even get me started on the robed carcasses on the Supreme Court....

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