Wednesday, June 06, 2012


That sound you feel right now is the Earth shaking from the celebration over our greatest victory: we killed the #2 Al Queda guy!!!!
Abu Yahya al-Libi, the No. 2 man in al Qaeda and a longtime public face of the terror network, is dead, White House spokesman Jay Carney confirmed Tuesday.
Al-Libi's death was "another serious blow to core al Qaeda," said Carney, who was unable to provide further details. 
YES! Now we can finally rejoice, and know that we are near final victory over the evil tyranny of....oh, wait...gee, whaddya know. We've been doing this shit since at least 2006:
5) I see Osama Bin Laden has been making more videotapes. Why is this even news - I thought Bush “didn’t care” where he was, that it didn’t matter. Which, I guess, makes me wonder why every time we get “the #2 guy!!!” it’s plastered on the front page and we clear out the Canyon of Heroes for Prez Fuckwad. How many times can we get excited about catching the #2 guy - eventually, won’t the guy have originally been like the “94th guy”? so fucking what? We’ll just keep fucking going I guess, until we hit this guy:

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