Friday, June 22, 2012

Bron Bron

Here's another thing: I love losing streaks. I wish some year a baseball team would lose 162 games. I especially like decades-long, postseason losing streaks. In fact, as soon as my teams are out of the running, I start actively rooting for the Cubs, Red Sox, Bills, and Vikings to get as far as they can in the postseason so that ultimately they can let the big prize slip away one more time. I think it is an infinitely more interesting news story for a team to repeatedly fail at the highest level than it is for them to finally win. If the Cubs ever win a World Series, the news coverage will be the most boring bunch of shit you can imagine. - George Carlin
Like everyone else I hated on Lebron because he was such an asshole during "The Decision", but now that he's won his ring there's no point to hating him. I was all excited about him repeatedly choking for the rest of his career, but I guess that's over now. I could hate him for taking away the object of my hate, but that seems pointless too.

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