Monday, June 25, 2012

Don't H8 Me Cuz U Ain't Me

This bit HERE about  Brad Pitt  Billy Beane offers up two - read 'em, TWO! - chances for me to pat myself on the well-cocoabuttered (that's right, it's one word when applied to a sexy beast like moi, h8rs) back!
More people follow A's starting pitcher Brandon McCarthy on Twitter than showed up for Opening Day in Oakland, and really he deserves even more of an audience because he is hands-down the most intelligent and funniest big leaguer on Twitter.  "I think it's hilarious that in the dead seriousness of courtrooms, there's a person who sits on the side and gets to do drawings." 
And moi:
What's up with courtroom drawings? What the fuck are these for? Anything else in the world we take pictures, or video even. We have pictures of other galaxies. Everything is a matter of public record. And yet whenever there's an article about anything from inside our hallowed halls of justice, it's accompanied by a Peanuts cartoon. What the fuck?
Aaaaaand two:
The 24-year-old reliever Ryan Cook, also added in the Cahill deal, surrendered his first run in his 22nd appearance, and to date he has given up nine hits and two runs in 31⅔ innings. "His stuff is disgusting, with angry movement," says Brandon McCarthy.
And ta-DA! Moi!
8) “His stuff is filthy/nasty”
I’ve noticed announcers during baseball games are trying to outdo each other with describing someone’s pitches. It used to be “Wow, Jim has a great curveball” or “Wow, Jim’s fastball is humming tonight.” Now the cool thing to say is “Ewwwww, Jim’s slider is NASTY!”, although this has recently been surpassed with “Ewwwww, Jim’s slider is FILTHY!!!” Filthy? Nasty? Seems a bit much. It’s just a ball being hurled from one dude to another, can we lay off the over-the-top nonsense? It’s only a matter of time before we’re hearing “Jesus, Jim’s curve is green diarrhea tonite!” or “Jim’s slider is a monkey-based strain of AIDS tonite!” Relax fellas. It’s only baseball.

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